Analysis of consumer behaviorTo study and analyze consumer behavior we conducted an online survey.[URL: -4357- aae7-02942c717568].The survey asked a total of 10 questions including one question asking to evaluate McDonald's based on various parameters such as taste, variety, speed of service, etc. 132 McDonald's customers responded. Profile of the interviewees To find out the age group of interviewees we asked them which age group they belonged to. There were three segments into which the answer can be broken down:1. Below 232. 23 – 283. Above 28The pie chart below shows the breakdown of respondents based on age group. Around 78% of the respondents who participated in this survey belonged to the age group of 23 to 28 years. Most of these people in this age group were students or workers with minor social obligations. There were very few respondents in the 18-22 age group, who are mainly students, and even fewer respondents in the 28+ age group who represent the working class. Importance of various parameters in fast food restaurants We asked interviewees to judge McDonald's based on the parameters taste of food, speed of service, cleanliness, environment and value for money, to find out which is the most important. The response received is represented in the pie chart below. The survey conducted revealed that approximately 49% of those interviewed preferred fast food mainly due to the taste/choice of food available. Additionally, most respondents believe they frequent fast food restaurants because the food is good value for money as many menu items are available at very low prices. Even if they go out in a group with friends or family, the total bill doesn't put much of a dent in their wallet. So the taste of food and value for money are the most critical parameters when choosing a fast food restaurant. Surprisingly, speed of service is the most important parameter for only 8% of respondents. Customer Satisfaction of McDonald's Next we asked the respondents to rate McDonald's on the following parameters:1. Taste of food2. Variety of menu3. Environment4. Value for money5. Quality of service6. Speed of Service Respondents were asked to rate each of the six as one of four: excellent, good, average and poor. In relation to the answer to the question about fast food needs that people look for when it comes to customer satisfaction at McDonald's, It is evident that about 73% of the respondents believe that the taste of food served at McDonald's is good or excellent.