There are more factors that influence job satisfaction and motivate employees to work for a particular company than the salary and benefits paid for their services. According to Hackman & Oldman's job characteristics model, jobs should contain various characteristics to be motivating work and contribute to employee or job satisfaction. These characteristics are: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Along with the characteristics of this job, a motivating job should be structured in such a way as to enable the employee's personal fulfillment and achievement of goals. This structure is presented in the employee satisfaction model, which clearly describes the determinants of job satisfaction versus the consequences of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. One company that appears to be following these models to the greatest extent is Vermont-based firm Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., makers of super-premium ice cream. Ben & Jerry's has become legendary for its commitment to corporate responsibility and has an excellent reputation as one of the best places to work in North America. Just as Ben & Jerry's three-part mission clearly denotes the company's commitment to environmentally friendly production. business practices, professional growth opportunities for their employees and social responsibility, their own business practices appear to be extremely focused on meeting their mission by using, consciously or not, the characteristics for motivating work outlined in the Hackman Job Characteristics Model & Oldman and in the determinants of job satisfaction explained by the employee satisfaction model. First, let's take Hackman & Oldman's job characteristics model and apply it to Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.'s skill variety, according to Hackman and Oldman is "the ability to use several different skills for one's needs." work." According to the Wall Street Journal "Ben & Jerry's recently created a "Get Connected" program to encourage employees to interact and learn more about their customers." (Wall Street Journal) They can respond to customer letters, participate in customer focus groups or visiting stores as sales representatives or delivery workers Some even volunteer to visit the factory not only uses a large amount of different employee skills, but also promotes a sense of pride among employees for their contributions to the organization's success. Ben & Jerry's also developed the Ben and Jerry's Foundation, whose sole mission is to make the world a better place.