Topic > My Work as Human Resources Director of TWK - 971

At TWK, the filtration system company, I was recently hired as the Human Resources Director. As the Director of Human Resources, my job is to identify and solve the company's major problems, which are leading to the collapse of the company's equity. By investigating company operations and procedures on a daily basis, I have come to the three main issues that concern me deeply. In this essay I will outline and discuss the three main issues that primarily concern the lack of employee motivation in the organization. Secondly I will discuss employees' lack of knowledge of the organization's goals and motivations. Finally, I will touch on the unfair and unjust conditions that employees suffer in the company. Regarding these problems, the solutions I have found are as follows: Create an evaluation system to let employees know how they are doing in the company. Consequently, if the evaluation is positive for the employee, he or she should receive a reward or bonus to help him or her feel appreciated and motivated. Furthermore, to increase employees' knowledge of organizational goals, the company should inherit the Job Characteristics Model, to make it easier for employees to identify the company's motivations. However, to increase the flexibility of the organization, the company should adapt the flexitime approach to reduce employee stress. In this sense, I will not only discuss these problems of the company, but I will also mention and illustrate some ways in which the company can solve its problems, which will help achieve the goals of the organization. High motivation in employees in the workforce not only him……middle of paper……working in a company where an individual is unhappy, even a few hours of work seems like a lot. The company doesn't give people days off who need them, or breaks where people can relax and not feel like some kind of robot. For example, consider the case in which Shannon saved the life of Dan, her boss, by taking him to the hospital. She was asked to return to work the next day, even though she was sleepy and extremely tired. Because of this, employees inherit stress and Kevin Taylor, an employee of TWK, is very stressed. Even though the company asks him to put in much more than he can provide, he still receives a base salary with which he cannot repay his wife's gambling addiction. These types of unfair actions towards employees cause workers to slow down on the job when they are forced to be present.