Topic > Handy Handy Andy Case Study - 1179

To convince the buyer to purchase the deluxe version, distributors created the incentive to fill repair orders for the deluxe units before the standard units. This behavior is not only unethical but also decreases the quality of customer service because the customer has already decided to purchase the standard version and not the more expensive deluxe trash compactor. The last thing a customer wants is to have to cancel their order because the item is out of stock and have someone on the phone trying to sell them a more expensive version. This behavior would ultimately result in reduced sales due to customers' bad experience when purchasing from these retailers. Third, distributors told customers that they were the ones offering the one-year warranty and not Handy Andy Inc. In this way, distributors were discrediting Handy Andy Inc. to gain popularity among customers. Once again the distributors demonstrated how unethical and unreliable they were. There are many things that the company's distribution manager can do to improve the distribution of trash compactors and hopefully solve the problems mentioned above. To solve the problem of distributors taking full credit for the warranty offered and contacting the retailer's customers