By doing so, he compromises his own moral ethics; however, the chance of Dwight being exposed is limited. If caught, Dwight can fall back on the training report and the fact that being an intern his career would likely be ruined by Michael if he reported him. Additionally, many case studies provide evidence in which the whistleblower is punished indirectly through limited advancement opportunities or other various forms of retaliation. By choosing to ignore company politics and accept the reward for his silence, Dwight sacrificed his personal ethics.II. Who are the stakeholdersA. DwightHe is the main individual in the scenario who has the ethical dilemma of whether or not to report Michael. B. MichaelThe perpetrator of the unethical behavior, offered rewards to Dwight for helping cover up the incident involving the DWI. Is aware of the new substance abuse policy and the repercussions for violations.C. JanMeeting Dwight and Michael at a fancy restaurant, which may have resulted in a violation of the Scranton Corporation's code of conduct.D. Whifflin Error Company