Category:Women's or men's shoesThree Stores:Aldo, Payless Shoes, Sport's Check,ObservationsWe select three different stores that have different characteristics in store furnishings, sales and style of shoes that each of the stores carries. The stores are Aldo, payless shoes and sports checks. Aldo brings fashionable shoes that appeal to people who care most about their appearance. Payless Shoes has several shoe brands and styles with a lower price that is more acceptable than most shoe stores; however, the choice of shoes is poor and not trendy. Sport¡¦s Check offers more selections of outdoor shoes aimed at people who seek and consider functionality and comfort.ALDODuring observation, consumer characteristics can be divided into age, gender and professions. In Aldo the groups purchased are mostly female and very few male. The consumers Aldo addresses are people capable of supporting a higher price range of trendy products. Furthermore, in all Aldo branches the ratio between the space dedicated to displaying women's products and men's products is approximately three to two. While the products displayed are updated on a bi-weekly basis, men's shoes are updated quarterly. Aldo is mainly aimed at female consumers because female consumers often make luxury purchases. In contrast, male consumers update their outfits and accessories more irregularly. Additionally, we noticed that women and men in suites spent more time looking for and trying to put on shoes. Since the shoes these people choose from represent and illustrate their professionalism, the style and color of the shoes they prefer are usually simple, classic and monotonous. Young people between eighteen and twenty-five often look for trendy, imaginative and elegant shoes. For the young group, shoes play a crucial role in fashion. Last but not least, another interesting point we noticed is that, unlike women, very few male consumers shop for luxury. Male consumers usually discover their need before going out to purchase the product; while most of the female consumers purchase unnecessary products due to various factors such as price, seller and mood. Men spend much less time than women choosing and trying on their desired shoes. Most men would seek assistance for advice on choosing the right shoes. SHOES WITHOUT PAYMENT As the title says, people pay less for shoes. In the store, most of the customers come from middle-income families.