Topic > Magical realism as a fusion of fantasy and reality

Magical realism as a fusion of fantasy and reality A month ago I had never heard of magical realism. After reading the four essays by Franz Roh, Angel Flores, Luis Leal, and Amaryll Chanaday and various articles on the Internet, I have a much better understanding of Magical Realism: what it is, how it applies to literature, how it applies to art, and its implications. theory, history and style. Magical realism is a fusion of fantasy and reality. According to Flores it is a «transformation of the common and the everyday into the fantastic and the unreal» (114). This is not an even and equal mix. Magical Realism is based on reality with only one fantastic exaggeration. This exaggeration is described by Pietri as “a sort of extreme state,” and which “favors the unexpected richness of reality” (qtd. in Leal 121). This fantastic element is always accepted as reality by the characters in the story. It also has hidden meanings in a deeper realm. «The mystery does not descend into the present world, but hides and throbs behind it» (Roh 16). Magical Realism is subject to some scrutiny and is primarily used to show a different way of seeing the world. In this form of expression, plots are always logically conceived. Magical Realism also expresses emotions without evoking them. In Magical Realism, "key events have no logical or psychological explanation" and "the author does not need to justify the mystery of the events" (Leal 123). as a science fiction or fantasy author would do. Furthermore, unlike science fiction and fantasy stories, the author clings to reality. Flores describes this characteristic by saying that authors "cling to reality as if to keep 'literature' from intruding, as if to keep their myth from flying away, as if I...... middle of paper... doesn't have to be literature that is based in reality but contains at least one fantastical element that is unexplained but accepted. Now that I understand what it is, I'm starting to find more examples of it around me and I can't wait to read about it. this unusual and interesting genre. Works CitedFlores, Angel. "Magical Realism in Spanish-American Fiction: Theory, History, Community Ed. Lois Parkison Zamora and Wendy B. Faris."Leal, Luis Hispanic American: Theory, History, Community Ed. Lois Parkison Zamora and Wendy B. Durham: Duke UP, 1995: 119-124. Roh, Franz. "Magical Realism: Post-Expressionism: Theory, History, Community Ed. Durham; NC: Duke UP,1995:15-31.