Topic > An investigation into adolescent shyness and...

Shyness is a feeling of embarrassment, lack of comfort while socializing with other people, especially with new people in unfamiliar places, it can also be considered a characteristic of a human personality. Furthermore, in psychology shyness is defined as the embarrassment or apprehension that some people feel when approaching or being approached; shy people most of the time desperately want to socialize but don't know how or what they should do. They also feel a type of anxiety that makes them so cautious while socializing with others, worrying that they might do or say something wrong, so they stay quiet most of the time thinking it's the safest way, even if they want to impress others . However, shyness has many levels, from being shy for a minute because of some situation, to being extremely shy with everyone. However, currently, shyness has increased significantly in adolescent society, so much so that many psychologists think of curing it. However, many psychologists hesitate whether or not this characteristic should be eliminated in humans. More importantly, can shy people overcome it or is it their nature? They cannot control themselves, just as all humans cannot stop breathing oxygen. Before trying to cure shyness in adolescents, psychologists thought that there were many advantages and disadvantages and did not know whether they should consider shyness as a disease, because there are so many levels of it. Not to mention that teenagers are in the middle of a developmental stage, they are still growing and exploring the world, and in this process there is a possibility that the teenager will overcome everything on his own. According to the Stanford Shyness Survey conducted in the United States among adults who have experienced shyness, 80% of them experienced it at... mediocre levels... more than paper with the help of a therapist. Most teenagers experience shyness these days, especially girls, but it also has a greater effect on boys as they grow up due to bullying and so on. Dangerous levels of shyness are diseases such as social phobia or social anxiety, which need to be treated as they greatly affect your health. Furthermore, shyness mainly comes from two things, our genes and life experiences, but we can overcome our shy genes through life experience. Furthermore, a treatment has been published for those suffering from shyness, and very special treatments have been established for more dangerous levels of shyness such as CBT. However, doctors do not force those who want to be shy to undergo treatment, as long as it does not compromise their health. Ultimately it is a very special characteristic of man, which in the past was highly appreciated and still is today, but not widely..