It is disappointing in today's society that STDs have been overlooked. The rate of sexually transmitted diseases in young adults has increased over time. Young adults should be the most concerned in the United States, as the rate of STDs has increased dramatically for them. This health inconsistency is due to many factors; this article will discuss the behavior, growth of different types of STDs, stigma related to STDs, and prevention of STDs among young adults. STD awareness is important for this age group, so protection is needed to help keep these teens and young adults healthy and help prevent the spread of STDs. Young adults between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four contract half of all new sexually transmitted diseases. (STD) recorded, even among sexually active women, one in four has been exposed to an STD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) 2016). In 2007, the number of sexually transmitted diseases among young adults in the United States was diagnosed at 1.1 million (Dembo et al., 2009). Over 7.5% of sexually transmitted diseases increased during 2006 (Dembo et al., 2009), the highest rate among fifteen to twenty-four year olds in the last year sexually transmitted diseases increased in positive tests, the males increased to 37%, females increased to 70% (Cunningham et al., 2009). To date, the largest increase in STDs among young adults was recorded with a rate of fifty point one million percent STDs between 2006 and 2014 (CDC, 2015). STDs have increased dramatically in recent years, there are treatments for young adults on how to prevent contracting STDs. This article will discuss the variable growth of different types of STDs, stigma related to STDs, and prevention of STDs among young adults. Common STDs contracted by young adults at...... middle of paper ......x are 80% less likely to contract HIV” (Workowski et al., 2006). There are different types of treatments for chlamydia and gonorrhea, such as taking antibiotics, visiting the doctor annually, and using protection during intercourse. STDs have increased dramatically in the United States. This should be taken seriously, just as people take young adult pregnancy and criminal activity seriously. Variable growth of different types of STDs, stigma related to STDs, and prevention of STDs among young adults are a problem. Many young adults should take advantage of the free safe sex education classes that schools offer to students. STDs are a factor in this economy that everyone should watch and be careful about. Before taking any type of action, a young adult should consider the consequences of their actions.