While students attend public schools they should be aware of their religious options. The student should have the right to practice his religion as he chooses, in his own free time. Yes, religion plays an important role in shaping a person, but it should be practiced when time is available, not in a classroom setting. The government should have the ability to monitor the protection of students who just want to learn. The ability to regulate religious practices while attending public educational institutions should be left to the government. Faith, religion and belief, are usually three words used to describe a situation, although these words have three different meanings. To have faith in something or someone you must first believe it and even accept it, but have a belief without evidence. Religion is the belief in a superhuman celestial power or principle, such as the omnipotent or the creator of all things. Everyone has faith and belief, but not all believers believe in the Almighty. Allowing religion in public schools while everyone attending does not have the same belief is unfair, unconstitutional, and is complicated to teach students the truth. The discussion about the separation of church and state has been an ongoing debate without a conclusion, and has always been a topic to talk about. Many people have strong opinions for or against separation. While some believe that prayer in school is beneficial to the development of children and their faith, others believe that it could completely undermine their faith by not giving the student the opportunity to explore their beliefs. In Henry David Thoreau's “Resistance to Civil Government,” the author is passionate about allowing people to believe…half of paper…one of their rights and depriving them of them. It is discrimination against any religion that is not taught. Although prayer and religion can aid development, not all children or all people will develop the same. Different backgrounds, including religion and culture, produce different results. Religion should not be allowed in public schools, it would cause more harm than good. Works Cited "Religion in public schools." Anti-Defamation League. 2013. Web. Schneider, Mary Beth. "INDIANAPOLIS Senator's Bill Calls for Lord's Prayer in Schools." USA TODAY. (2013): n. page. Network. 2013. “The ACLU and Freedom of Religion or Belief.” American civil liberties. (2013): n. page. Network. 2013.Thoreau, Henry David. "Resistance to civil government (civil disobedience)." 1849.