Topic > Micro Paper - 582

Microwaves are waves of electromagnetic radiation that have a very short wavelength. These waves can be used in various ways, for example in radar, communications or heating. In the 1940s, during World War II, a scientist called Percy Spencer was doing research with these microwaves. He then discovered how they are able to excite food molecules, causing the food to heat up very quickly. When they were first invented, microwave ovens were not intended to be kitchen appliances. They were called “Radarange” and when they were first sold they were still too large and too expensive for home use. Microwave ovens for home use only began to be sold around 1967. Today it is known that a microwave oven is a small household appliance for kitchen use, which heats food through radiation. There are many important parts in the manufacturing process of a microwave oven. The oven consists of electric motors, relays, control circuits, an oven cavity, a front control panel and the cavity door. The first step in the manufacturing process of a microwave oven is to build the cavity door. To do this, metal pressing machines are used...