Topic > Commentary on the Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

The Sand County AlmanacAldo Leopold was born in 1887 and raised in Burlington, Iowa. He worked a lot for nature conservation and even published his textbook in 1933. Leopold, who usually wrote for newspapers or magazines, decided to write a book comparing humanity's relationship with the rest of the world. Sadly, just a week after receiving notice that his work would be published, he died. About a year later, his book was published by his son who decided that the work deserved to be seen. This information was found at One might say that the overall theme of the Sand County Almanac is community versus commodity, do we love nature or do we use it for our own needs? Aldo Leopold suggests that modern technology may be fine, but it should not take over nature as it is. He believes that economic needs do not match nature as they should and that humans are slowly moving towards an anti-nature lifestyle. Aldo Leopoldo pushes us to see nature as "The community to which we belong". We must be able to see nature as something other than simple property. Leopold's Sand County Almanac and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring were considered one of the most environmentalist books of 1900. The book is considered the main reason for the great foundations of environmentalism in America. Sand County made many people realize what we were starting to lose and how nature must be taken seriously as an important part of human life, future and history. When the book became a best seller in the 1970s, more and more people began to campaign for better help and general protection of nature. More and more people in the community are starting... middle of paper... a book might make you think, not just about life, but about the way you're living it. You never think that something as small as a book can change your life until you read it, in the same way you would never think that nature is that important until you stop, look at it and think about it. I'm not the only person affected by this book. You could ask the other millions of people reading this who immediately started doing what they could for their community. There were so many paragraphs and chapters in this book that I could only describe them as beautiful, as if I were there in a field of flowers, or with the green eyes of the wolf. Why can't I see those things? Who knows if there are also fields of unique flowers left. We take so many things for granted that it makes me angry. I just wish other people could stop, read, and think with this book like I did.