'CRITICAL REVIEW ON THE EFFECTS OF THE MASS MEDIA ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR' INDEX Cover page Pg 1 Index Pg 2 Introduction Pg 3 Definitions Studies aimed at validating the existence of a Correlation The theory of social learningNarrative TheoryStudies aimed at disproving the correlationReciprocal DeterminismCase Studies4.1 Norway Massacre4.2 Aurora Colorado Theater Shootings4.3 Sandy Hook Elementary School ShootingsConclusionsReferencesINTRODUCTIONWith the invention of television sets (TVs), came the invention of movies and television programs to be broadcast on TV, as well as the opportunity to broadcast live news stories. In modern society, news has become a 24-hour channel that contains violence, terrorism, and numerous inhumane acts committed by ordinary citizens and repeats every story almost every hour (Ukoha 2013). Cartoons are no longer as "sweet as pie" as Walt Disney intended when he created Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Disney clan; children are now thrown in front of cartoons that portray violence in an entertaining way (Ukoha 2013). Parents are no longer encouraging children to have fun outdoors, but are placing TVs in their bedrooms, allowing them to watch whatever they want whenever they want (Ukoha 2013). The effect of the media on violent behavior has been the subject of research for many decades. , this is primarily due to the fact that researchers have noted a significant correlation between violence depicted in mass media and violence exhibited in child and adolescent behavior (Pusateri 2006). According to Corrigan (2010, p. 119), “most children watch an average of 3-4 hours of television... in between the newspaper... struggle to listen to authority figures. It can be concluded, with the support of the numerous articles of the above research and supporting theories, that mass media have an effect on violent behavior but are only one factor in a multifaceted approach to understanding the multiple causes that lead a person to react violently (Huesmann & Taylor 2006). REFERENCES Hermen, D, Phelan, J, Rabinowitz, PJ, Richardson, B, Warhol, R 2012, Narrative Theory: Fundamental Concepts and Critical Debates, Ohio State University Press, Ohio.Ukoha, EK 2013, 'Media Violence and Violent Behavior of Nigerian Youths : Intervention Strategies, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), Vol. 21, no. 3-5, pp. 230-237.Prentice, C 2010, 'Terms of ambivalence: cultural politics and symbolic exchange', Australian Literary Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, pages. 33-54.