Society plays a fundamental role in the construction of our gender. He often tries to define what it means to be a man or a woman. It strives to use general terms to force humans to conform to what society deems acceptable. For example, society believes that men should be strong while women should be sensitive. However, numerous groups of individuals have forced society to change its beliefs about gender. As time has passed, society has become more gender neutral in different aspects of life, such as sports. Men and women, alike, can play sports and receive equal coverage in the media. Like society, the media greatly influences our understanding of gender. It portrays different ideas and conveys them to society in a way that accepts or challenges the status quo. In 2002, Marger argues, the company must make itself credible. To do this, it must create “an ideology, a set of beliefs and ideas that explain and justify existing social organization.” Subsequently, the media, through its various forms, must convey those ideas to the public (qtd. in Aulette and Wittner 396). Today, some of the most popular forms of media are television and the Internet. Both are easily accessible to a vast number of people around the world. Likewise, they can provide information to the public more quickly than other forms of media, such as newspapers. The television series Pretty Little Liars is about four young women in high school and the problems they face when one of their friends is presumed dead. Describes ideas that maintain and challenge the status quo. It reinforces the concept that women should care about their appearance. However, the show challenges society's beliefs about genders in... middle of paper... Illustrates that there is nothing different about interracial or same-race families. Therefore, it shows that there is nothing abnormal or wrong in marrying a member of your own race. Although the television show Pretty Little Liars supports the belief that women should look perfect, it also questions how women should be viewed by society. It shows that women can have their own thoughts and do not have to be subservient to others. Currently, we can see just as many women portrayed in the media as men. As society becomes more gender neutral in different aspects of life, this begins to manifest itself in representations of genders in the media. Boundaries set to force men and women to conform to certain ideals are now being broken. For example, women are now being betrayed by the media with different occupations, such as doctors or policemen.