This essay will distinguish and discuss the importance of how two elements of compassion and communication of the “6Cs” are displayed through the provision of palliative care to patients. Beyond that, the assignment will explore conflicting information on the views of the two concepts and develop a detailed conclusion with materials and research viewed in context. The 6Cs are care, communication, competence, commitment, courage and compassion. The aim of bringing the 6Cs into force for all healthcare staff was the basis of the Francis report developed and published in 2013 based on events at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust. The collapse of the system has led to serious board failures and resulted in patients receiving inadequate care and not being able to be at the heart of the service. This was due to a lack of understanding and listening to both patients and staff about shortcomings brought to the trust's attention (Francis, 2013). Effective communication is a vital characteristic possessed by healthcare staff, this enables staff to successfully identify a patient as an individual and as a whole and provide a comprehensive holistic approach to care. (Rankin,2013) states that the 6Cs consist of important qualities that nurses and healthcare personnel should represent in the way they work. Viewing these ratings helps assist staff in building relationships and indicates how they can effectively relate to their patients and colleagues. Evidence suggests that there are several barriers that can prevent communication from being received accurately. These factors include physical, perceptual, emotional, cultural, linguistic, gender, and interpersonal barriers (Williams, 2001). Communication hu... middle of paper... and respected instead of discouraged and anxious when treatment and care are not discussed with them. Providing compassionate care improves end-of-life care experiences for patients. Research by Goodrich and Cornwell (2008) demonstrated within the scope of the assignment that providing a good level of curriculum in compassionate care educates staff on how to develop a way to provide meaningful care. This allows patients to feel a sense of satisfaction with the care they have received or are receiving. The result of the entire assignment represents that adequate training in communication and compassion improves the level of care provided to patients by healthcare personnel. Furthermore, the task provides evidence that, without developing a curriculum for providing good compassionate care and how to communicate effectively, flaws in the delivery of care are presented..