Topic > The Therapeutic Relationship in Nursing - 2335

The Therapeutic Relationship in Nursing In order for nurses to build a therapeutic relationship with their clients it is very important that they are self-aware and emotionally intelligent. Self-awareness allows nurses to model authentic behavior so that they are able to accept clients' positive and negative behaviors. Emotional intelligence refers to the emotions that nurses and patients express towards each other, which can range from sadness and frustration to satisfaction and happiness (Parbury, 2003). It also refers to receiving attention in the nursing health literature (Parbury,2013). Self-awareness simply means being aware of one's character (knowing oneself), such as the qualities a person has in himself, what people are. beliefs and values, how extensive the person's limitation on something is and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Furthermore, it distinguishes between the inner self, i.e. how you feel from the inside, and the outer self, what others see about you includes your appearance, verbal and non-verbal behavior (Bulman and Schutz, 2004). Self-awareness is not only essential for reflective learning, but also for skilled professional nursing practice. Knowledge of one's own values, beliefs and behaviors and how these influence others is important for developing good interpersonal skills and integrating therapeutic relationships with our clients. Greater self-awareness in the client can be achieved through a trusting relationship between a client and a patient which allows the client to interact openly with the nurses and explore their feelings whereby a nurse can easily understand their problem and is able to provide better and adequate treatments. Through self-awareness it can become authentically congruent… at the center of the paper… the practice and the tool are held together for healing. References Bulman, C, & Schutz, S. (2004). Reflective practice in nursing. Black well (3ed).pg.29.Crisp,J and Taylor,C.(2013).The Fundermentals of Nursing Practice.Elsevier (4ed).pg.486.Daclas,JSP(2005).Essential Communication Skill For Nursing. 19-21. Retrieved March 18, 2014. Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P, & Caruso, D. R. (2000). Models of emotional intelligence: Handbook of emotional intelligence. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambrige University Press.Parbury,S,J.(2003).Patient and person: Developing interpersonal skills in nursing.(2nd ed).Australia:Vaughn,SJ (2013).Patient and person: interpersonal skills in nursing.Libby Houston.(4ed).pg.54.