A transistor is a device that can turn an electric current on and off or amplify an electric current. (http://www.pbs.org/transistor/teach/teacherguide_html/lesson3.html) The main component of a microchip is the transistor. Computers work on a binary system, which uses only two digits: 0 and 1, all types of information are converted into combinations of 1 and 0. Since transistors can act as a switch, their application in a computer microchip is that of letting the current pass, which represents the binary digit 1, or interrupting it, which represents 0. (http://www.pbs.org/transistor/teach /teacherguide_html/lesson3.html) All aspects of modern Western society they are based on computers. Computers cannot work without microchips, the main component of which is a transistor. Therefore, the impact of transistors on modern Western society is immeasurable. The transistor led to the beginning of solid-state electronics, which led to the birth of the silicon chip. The silicon chip has enabled advances in data acquisition and processing methods, as well as information collection and sharing. The flow...