Topic > Student Card System - 689

Summary of the system to be developed The E-Matric Card system is also known as the electronic matric card system. This system is the system that makes student and staff ID cards online. It was the advance system provided by the university administration. This system occurs when new students and staff enter the university for the first time or due to some cases such as lost or broken card. To use this system, they required to enter their ID card and password into their university portal which was created before they could use this system. After logging into the portal, they can double check their details from name, roll number, schedule, etc. which will be included in their matriculation card. Next, they will need to insert their photo to be placed in front of the student ID card and then present it to the university system which will send it to the technology department to produce the student card. If they submit the working hours information, they can get the matriculation card directly from the technology department, and if not, they need to wait for the next day to get the matriculation card. Problem description for each issue which will include the scenario in the organization, the problems arising from the situation and the needs of the organization to help resolve the problems. The problem that occurs when developing this system is the image of the students and staff who want to use it is not able to take due to online system itself. It was a limitation for users because the image had to be provided by themselves. This will make the unsystematic management comparable to the manual one where users will have their photo taken when they take their turn. In addition to this, the advantage of this system is more systematic as when they want to make the matriculation card using this system, they will have to fill in and recheck the information indicated on the university portal which is more systematic than manual one. Finally, the advantage of this system is that it avoids duplication where when you use this system, the information will be automatically updated by all branches of the university so that the information they have is the same.APPENDIXSTUDENTStudent ID *Student NameStudent CourseStudent AddressStudent ICStudent PasswordMATRIC CARDSStudent IDStaff IDFacultyProgramCampusRecruitment ID *MakeStaffID *Staff NameStudent IDLOGINIStudent IDStaff IDPassword *LoginLogin