In the textbook, chapter 13 has a Relationships and Health topic. It was new for me to learn the positive influence of social integration on health. I can relate it to my development because I have different roles (child, spouse, parent, friend, and classmate) and different responsibilities. In every social network the person has their own role, so for me it's like five roles in one person. I'm trying to manage these responsibilities for family and school and not get overwhelmed. However, the chapter states that people with large social networks and multiple social roles are more likely to survive heart attacks and less likely to be anxious or depressed than people with more limited networks and social roles (p. 392). Also, I liked how chapter 14 describes the transition to an adult identity, which is called re-centering (p.414). I can connect three phases of recentring to my developmental experience. While I was a high school student living with my parents, I scheduled my activities after school and worked during non-school days (phase 1). During the collage years in Ukraine, I lived in a rented apartment, but my parents still supported me financially (stage 2). I am now married and have a commitment to my spouse and children (internship