Individuals were randomly selected and assigned to be a prisoner or a guard while being introduced to the purpose of the experiment and what the rules and guidelines are. Prisoners were searched and showered before changing into prison uniforms and putting on shoes. The guards were given all-black attire with handcuffs, a flashlight, a truncheon and a whistle. All prisoners were assigned a cell and provided with bedding along with their waking times, lunch times and when the lights had to be turned off for bed. Guards have been advised to ensure they maintain control of the environment, however, to refrain from using any physical force or derogatory comments unless absolutely necessary. In the first two days of the experiment the mental decline of the prisoners was evident as they felt irritated and isolated. They began to react negatively to the environment by placing their mattresses and sheets out of sight of the cells and destroying their environment. Guards tried to stop prisoners from doing so, scolding people and placing them in an isolation room with no windows or access to outside cellmates. This was done to mimic the isolation of a real prison when prisoners refuse to do so