Section 1: History and Overview of Saudi Arabia The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the earliest civilizations of the Arabian Peninsula (Royal Embassy 2013). The Arabian Peninsula historically represents an ancient center of trade and commerce and is the birthplace of Islam, one of the world's major monotheistic religions (Royal Embassy 2013). The religion of Islam was based on the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad during the 7th century (Religious Facts 2013). Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world. The definition of the Arabic word Islam is “submission” which denotes the religion's central tenet of submitting to the will of God (Religious Facts 2013). A Muslim is a person who engages in the act of submission or surrender to the will of God, consequently, a Muslim is a follower of Islam. All citizens of Saudi Arabia are by law Muslims. Islamic practices are defined by the five pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and almsgiving. Muslim doctrine is an integral part of the belief in one God, in the angels of God, in the books of God (especially the Koran), in the prophets of God (especially Muhammad), in the Day of Judgment (the afterlife) and in the supremacy of divinity. Will of God (predestination). Evidence of human presence in the Arabian Peninsula can be dated to between 15 and 20 years ago, when bands of hunter-gatherers roamed the land, living off wild animals and plants. After the European ice cap melted more than 15,000 years ago, the climate in the Arabian Peninsula became dry, succumbing to deserts and scrub. River systems have disappeared, creating dry river beds (Royal Embassy 2013). This climate change has forced the inhabitants to move to mountain valleys and oases. The hunters' harvest was... in the center of the paper... ears for the females. Infant mortality is 9 deaths per 1,000 live births. The prevalence of contraceptive use stands at 23.8% in 2007 World Health Organization statistics. Cultural prohibitions on alcohol consumption are reflected in the 0.5% alcohol consumption reported in World Health Organization statistics of Health 2005. The cultural specificities existing in Saudi Arabia include the prohibition of food and drink against the consumption of pork (which is considered unclean) and the consumption of alcohol which is a prohibitive tenant in the Muslim faith (Long 2005). Family values and customs include extended family living environments in which males must accompany the women of the family in all activities outside the family. Muslim beliefs also preclude public displays of affection or female-to-male conversations between non-family members (Long 2005).