Berkshire executives implement a long-term plan and have chosen to focus on that, rather than focusing on short-term gains or losses. Anyone who has experienced turmoil of any kind can tell you how difficult it is to do so. As people we are almost pre-programmed to think about the recent past rather than look to the future. However, this is an important part of growing both as an individual and as a company. This strategy allows you to try new approaches and make changes when current efforts aren't working. I will continue to try to maintain this attitude both throughout my formal education and in my future career as an occupational therapist. The second book I decided to read was 5 Levels of Leadership by John C. Maxwell. In the book the author discusses the process he believes one must follow to be the supreme leader. As the title suggests, there are five stages which include: Position, Relationships, Productivity, Building Leaders, and Building Leaders Who Build New