Topic > Differentiating between sex and gender - 990

What differentiates your gender from your sex? Sex is biological while gender is social. In this sense, a person whose gender is female can have a male gender if some of the tasks he performs are more attributed to males. But society has largely erased this distinction and instead created gender differences tied to one's sex. Although biological differences do not lead to gender differences, society has created these separate spheres to distinguish between who it considers male or female and has carefully woven them into everyday life, as seen in messages understood by the media, schools and from children's first messages. year together with the struggle of every family to realize the dream of an "ideal family". Media messages suggest how society conveys its expectations of gender roles to all age groups. Specify which housework should be associated with males or females. Through television messages, we see that women are almost exclusively associated with household products that take care of cooking, cleaning or caring for children, all while maintaining an appearance as perfect as possible. (Messages to the media, p. 161) Men related to housework are mostly seen when they have to use huge tools and machines to do their work, such as cutting grass or pruning bushes. These similar stereotypes can also be observed in children's programming when children's commercials suggest whether a toy is for a boy or a girl. (Media Messages, p.162) Commercials featuring “boys' toys” include fighting and charging verbs that suggest how boys should be the protectors and have a lot of strength. Advertisements for girls, on the other hand, are full of princess dolls that they have to take care of, put on makeup and braid their hair. These bring out the i...... middle of the card......indeed. Society has not yet been able to recognize this fundamental difference which makes it intrinsically unaware of reality. In conclusion, as society fails to recognize the fundamental difference between one's sex and gender and continues to teach these false beliefs to our next generation, it is our responsibility to begin taking steps to slowly try to correct society's beliefs. Once we understand the distinction between sex and gender, we must begin to bring this distinction to light among other people too. Until then, our society will continue to diverge from reality into a place of false beliefs and thoughts that lead to great prejudice among people. Works Cited • Boys and Girls: The First Year • Beyond the Family: Media Messages • The “Ideal Family” of the American Dream • Beyond the Family: Schools and the Hidden Curriculum