As mediocre as it may seem, it is the most wonderful plastic ever invented. It can act as a substitute for cash when you go shopping. It can give you financial assistance by lending you money whenever you are short of funds. Today it is the most popular payment method - credit cards. But does this mean that the credit card can be every adult's friend? While people praise the unique conveniences of the credit card, we should not overlook its countless drawbacks that could destroy a college student's life, including turning the college student's life into a lavish one, leading to bankruptcy soon after graduation and psychological damage caused by the snowball. debts. First, the "buy now, pay later" philosophy has been popularized among young people and inexperienced college students as a marketing strategy of the credit card industry. “Students, like many consumers, often purchase items they don't necessarily need but simply want because they are available and attractive. (Levesque Ware, 2002, p. 108) Due to the long interest-free repayment period, credit cards lead students to overspend and have a lavish lifestyle because students enjoy the financing freedom given by the credit card but few of them seriously consider budget maintenance. According to the Opinion Survey on Credit Debt and Payment Plans (Chung & Pang, 2013), 73% and 57% of people do not notice the interest rate of cash advance and unsettled retail purchase, respectively. Furthermore, the survey results showed that people have an average of 3.8 credit cards and a maximum of 30 credit cards, while over 50% of those interviewed insist on taking a trip and buying the new smartphone even if they incur in debts. Surveys have shown that people are not aware of my...... half of the document......Consultation Group (Hong Kong Trader, 2012). With the prevalence of online shopping, cardholder information can easily be stolen by criminals, as a result these unfortunates may have to incur a huge amount of unidentified debts. In summary, tempted by the numerous benefits provided by credit providers, young adults tend to make maximum purchases with their credit cards, as if they have forgotten that one day they will have to pay the bills. Soon, students' lifestyle becomes lavish and it can become dangerous to trap them in bankruptcy and cause serious impact on students' psychological health conditions. There is no doubt that self-disciplined people can benefit from credit care by using it wisely. For innocent and vulnerable college students, the credit card's flaws actually outweigh its merits, and that credit cards are every adult's friend is beyond question..