I have some doubts about what DuFour said because I believe that effective leadership from a principal is essential for a school to make positive change. At our school, the district hires new administrative staff every two years, and I have experience with principals with strong leadership skills and principals with weak leadership skills. For example, I have had success working with great principals and we have improved our scores on state assessments. On the other hand, I have also had success working with principals who lacked leadership skills in the school. For example, a few years ago, we had a principal who lacked communication and leadership skills and we still managed to improve our scores and be successful. There are some teachers at my school who have been working collaboratively for fifteen or twenty years and have created a professional learning community. We improved our scores by having a weak principle because we all decided to use our leadership skills in our professional learning community. In fact, we all knew what we had to do and we did it with little to no help from the principal. For this reason, I believe positive opportunities can be achieved with and without effective leadership from the principal. Teacher leaders can make a positive contribution to schools in a