The vehicle that works with this procedure is called a “docked vehicle”. The taxi company promises a fixed minimum number of trips to taxi drivers for the paid duration. To own the attached vehicle, the driver has to sign a contract for a certain period of time with a fixed amount of investment and at the end of the term he is assigned one of the 500 taxis registered by the company. Rent-a-Cab ModelBelow are reported the characteristics of the relationship between the driver and the company at Easy Cabs, as described by the driver in an interview. • Taxi drivers have to pay a security deposit of around Rs.20,000/- to the company. • Driver must have a commercial driver's license. • He should pay the company a daily rent of around Rs.1100 per day for the taxi and whatever he earns in addition belongs to him. • You have to pay for the methane out of your own pocket and the maintenance of the vehicle is the responsibility of the taxi company itself. • The taxi driver's monthly income is approx