American Anthropological Association (AAA) Informed Consent - According to the American Anthropological Association (AAA), informed consent is a complicated process. Their Statement on Ethnographic and Institutional Review Boards adopted by the AAA Executive Board in June 2004 states that informed consent has three components: communication of information, understanding of information, and voluntary participation. The researcher should inform potential participants about the research procedures and purposes, the risks and benefits of the study, and how their information will be protected and stored. Confidentiality - Regarding confidentiality, the AAA Code of Ethics states that "Anthropological researchers have primary ethical obligations to the people, species, and materials they study, and to the people with whom they work" and are advised to "do all what is within their possibilities." power to ensure that their research does not harm the safety, dignity or privacy of the people with whom they work, conduct research or carry out other professional activities” (AAA). At this point we see that the information obtained is expected to be protected in order to guarantee the safety of the subjects of the