After Esther returned after a week, we know that she was punished by being kept in solitary confinement. In Doherty's account it is stated that she was barely fed, not even having light, fire or beds. It is further stated that the windows were boarded up only out of cruelty and that it served no purpose. A few years later Greg also wrote his own account of what happened to her and her punishment. She claims that after her return she would be placed in solitary confinement for a week. They gave her two meals a day and the windows were barred because she was known to be a nuisance, which prevented her from communicating or escaping. There were plenty of cloaks to sleep on in the room, so there was no need for a bed. So far the two stories have been along the same lines, but Doherty's also claims that the Gregs are mean people, while all the other sources and others in other places claim that they were the kindest and best employers of their time. During Esther's punishment