Evidence for self-hatred resulting from racism may come from Clark's experiment, in which African-American children were given a choice between two dolls; a white or a black one, the result was that the children chose the white doll. There are different types of racism that can arise from; Industrial, cultural or even individual. Industrial racism refers to racism that occurs within industries, as this is very subtle, this is also the most common type of racism in the workforce because it shows the unequal treatment that each race receives within the workforce as; unequal pay depending on someone's skin or assuming that an individual should hold certain positions in a company because of their race and stereotypes. The culture is based on social privilege and conforms to the dominant culture, that is: the media presents white people as the standard of beauty or wearing traditional clothing of another race as "costumes", this form of racism is very common in modern society because many people see this as 'harmless' but however this can harm the victim and finally Individual racism involves the person's beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of other individuals based on the color of their skin, this can be seen as harmless or harmful e.g. ; calling an offensive individual for racial slurs or hate crimes directed against a certain race (police