Topic > Difference between Leadership and Leadership - 1606

Many have studied how to motivate in the workplace, some of them are Douglas McGregor (Theory Y), Abraham Maslow (Theory Z, Hierarchy of Needs), Frederick Herzberg (Two Factor Motivation Hygiene Theory), George Elton Mayo (Hawthorne Experiments), Rensis Likert (Management Theory), Chris Argyris (Thought Ladder) and David McClelland (Achievement Motivation.) (Accel, 2005). Motivation is the key to improved performance. In the 1950s, Chris Argyris aggressively explored and studied the influence of formal organizational structures, control systems, and management on individuals (Ghosh, 2002). This means that he discovered that people, when properly motivated, will thrive at work. Looking at his theory of Immaturity-Maturity, he demonstrated that with structure, effective communication and rigid rules one can achieve quite good results in