I had just attended my uncle's funeral the night my father died and I wasn't ready to say goodbye to another person in my family. After I got out of the shower, my mother said, “Summer, come tell your father goodnight or goodbye. He might not be here in the morning." I can't really remember what he said, but it sounded something like that. I don't remember if I said anything after that, if I had it wouldn't have been nice. I threw my bracelet on the new glass table ; we had just received from my recently deceased uncle and rushed into my bedroom. I couldn't sleep. I just lay in my bed tossing and turning with a sick feeling in my stomach. I just didn't want to believe it. Less than two hours later I was calling all my family members telling them to come back to my house as soon as possible. Not saying goodbye, as my mother told me, is the only regret I have and have to live with that decision for the rest of my life. From that moment on, I vowed to treat everyone as if it were their last day on Earth. Not only do I treat others as if it were their last day, but I also live as if I were going to die Tomorrow. Not saying goodbye to my father had a lasting impact on my life. He taught me that you can't rewind time; you can simply change yours