The state decided to create “Operacion Manos a la obra” also known as Operation Bootstrap in 1947, following the decline of agricultural work in Puerto Rico. Operation Bootstrap was created to industrialize the island and according to Julio C. Pol, this plan was great for the economic growth of the island. This plan included some financial incentives to help restore infrastructure and manpower. Operation Bootstrap will exempt US companies from paying taxes, thus bringing their companies to Puerto Rico and creating more job opportunities. “In 1949, the U.S. Department of Commerce estimated that Puerto Rico's 1,998 manufacturing plants employed 55,000 Puerto Ricans,” as stated by Juan Ruiz Toro. This plan benefited both parties because Puerto Ricans gained jobs and industries would not have to pay taxes and could pay less for labor. In 1967, Operation Bootstrap was a success according to Ruiz because it converted Puerto Rico from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. This also brought better healthcare and education to the island. This is said to have been one of the fastest economic expansions of