Topic > Integrative Project Essay - 825

Integrative ProjectChapter 5DiscussionIntegrative ProjectDiscussionWith an increase in out-of-home placements for young children due to numerous factors of abuse and neglect, many of these children are entering the child welfare system or foster care with severe emotional problems, physical, mental and/or developmental problems. Foster care is supposed to not only give these children a healthy home environment, but also help them overcome any effects of the abuse, be they psychological or medical conditions. Through research conducted on this topic, the writer believes that our foster care system needs better strategies and policies to adequately target developmental, behavioral, and social-emotional issues. In addition to screening for these problems, we must ensure that these children receive appropriate care and treatment. The extremely high rate of medical problems and developmental delays discovered in this young group of children is remarkable when compared to the general population (Silver, et al., 1999). Some children never see a medical professional due to social worker turnover, a change in the child's placement, or because the social worker did not feel there was an urgency to do so (Silver, et al., 1999). The healthcare system in the United States represents a major barrier to mental health care for children in foster care, although many qualify for Medicaid health insurance, few providers will accept this form of payment or, if they do, they are limited on the amount of times they can see children, to heal their systems (Kerker, et al., 2006). Child welfare agencies need to review their policy guidelines to ensure that these children receive routine health exams and screening assessments. Integrated...... half of the document for young children in the child welfare system. Review of Children and Young People's Services, 33(8), 1392-1403. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.04.009Kerker, B. D., & Dore, M. (2006). Mental health and treatment needs of foster youth: Barriers and opportunities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(1), 138-147. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.1.138Silver, J., Lorenzo, P., Zukoski, M., Ross, P. E., Amster, B. J., & Schlegel, D. (1999). Starting Young: Improving the health and developmental outcomes of infants and toddlers in the child care system. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program, 78(1), 148-165.Vanderfaeille,J.,VanHolen,F.,Vanschonlandt,F.,Robberechts,M.,&Stroobants,T.(2012).Children Placed in long-term family foster care: A longitudinal study of the development of problem behavior and associated factors. Services for children and young people, 35,587-593.