One point raised in “Capacity Building Series K-12: Inquiry Based Learning” (2013, p. 3) is that teachers are not sure how address curriculum expectations in an inquiry-based project. This is due to the spontaneous nature of the research. Allowing students to collaborate in the inquiry process means that the end result cannot be predicted. However, it is believed that focusing on how students follow key inquiry processes will achieve overall curricular goals (“Capacity Building Series K-12: Inquiry Based Learning,” 2013, p. 3). The focus of the inquiry should be on how students are developing skills and understanding of the learning area rather than on content exposure. Presenting content does not require the application of critical thinking skills. Anderson Steeves (2005, p.71) believes that the development of content and skills should flow within a "curriculum of thought". This is achieved with a survey approach. Inquiry may be limited by the educator's belief that students will be hindered on exams and will not meet educational standards if they do not cover content and instead engage in inquiry (Voet & De Wever, 2015, p. 59) . These educators should consider the concept of thinking curriculum. Another criticism is that inquiry projects take a lot of class time to complete, are limited by available resources, and that students are simply unable