Over the decades, women's fashion has evolved many times, each time creating a unique fashion stamp for that particular decade. One thing has remained the same and has managed to be part of every era: hairspray. It is a cosmetic product designed to keep hair in place. Many products we use today may have invisible consequences on everyday use. A product that I use almost daily is hairspray. I always knew that hairspray was bad for the environment because the aerosol it contained would destroy the ozone layer, so I started looking for a specific hairspray that I use almost every morning and night, Sebastian Shaper Hairspray, Regular , Styling Mist for hold and control. This specific Sebastian Hairspray product is not only harmful to the environment; it is also harmful to humans and animals. Sebastian Shaper Hairspray Styling Mist for Hold and Control is harmful for many reasons. For starters, people who use hairspray are slowly harming their body because hairspray contains many harmful chemicals such as alcohol, carcinogens, propellants, propane, and artificial fragrances. These substances can cause irritation of the skin, lungs and eyes, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and coma. It is currently unknown whether the ingredients in hairspray are safe for humans to use, but many of the ingredients in this hairspray are unstable compounds and could be harmful. For example, before 1970s hair sprays contained the propellant vinyl chloride (VC), it took more than a decade to ban this ingredient, even though it was known to be harmful to humans. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Because angiosarcoma of the liver (ASL) is a sentinel cancer resulting from exposure to VC, identification of this…… middle of paper…… March 27, 2009. Web . June 06, 2012. “Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Environmental Guidelines for Aluminum Production.” http://www.miga.org/documents/AluminumManufacturing.pdf. Web."Occupational safety and health guidelines for aluminum." Occupational safety and health guidelines for aluminium. United States Department of Labor. Network. 06 June 2012. "OCTINOXATE." National Library of Medicine. Network. 06 June 2012. .Wong, Curtis M. "Hungary Factory Tank Explodes, Floods Cities with Toxic Waste." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, October 4, 2010. Web. June 6 2012. .