Additionally, the immediate supervisor is probably the one best able to relate the individual's performance to what the department and organization are trying to accomplish. • Peer: A person who is on par with an organization. In some jobs, such as outside sales, the immediate supervisor may only rarely observe a subordinate's actual job performance. • Subordinates: Evaluation by subordinates can be a useful input to the immediate supervisor's development, and evaluations are of significantly higher quality when used for this purpose. purpose.• Self-evaluation• Customer served• Computer: The employee spends a lot of time without the supervision of their bosses. Now technology has made continuous supervision for millions of workers possible and very real.3.6 PROCESS PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONMany organizations make every effort to approximate the ideal process resulting in a first-rate evaluation system, unfortunately many others fail to consider one or more steps and have a less effective system. 3.6.1 Job Analysis The performance appraisal process begins with job analysis which includes job description and job specification. These help set the standard