For me, contentment is synonymous with only one place: the football field. While the world has its Argentine genius – Lionel Messi and its English architect – Wane Rooney, the local playground had me, a hesitant seventeen year old with crazy hormones who couldn't wait to shine every day, trying to surpass himself, working to achieve higher goals. Football is my passion, although my fascination with the sport developed long after I moved away from coaching football. I didn't like the experience due to my lack of ability, embarrassment and fear of the coach himself. Thus, I missed one of the best opportunities I would have ever had to become a good player. Some time later, when my peers began to shift focus towards their studies, strangely enough, the playground began to appear on my schedule every evening. The colony grounds were the place to be, in the final hours of the day. Picture this: The sun is setting. Twelve people, one ball. The atmosphere is filled with shouts of enthusiasm, screams of frustration and joyful calls of celebration. Anyway...