Sociology has come a long way since it began, with new discoveries and a better understanding of how society works as a whole. Scientists are able to see how each individual's behaviors help us deepen our knowledge of their origins and development. However, there are still a number of aspects of sociology that are up for debate. One such argument is the primacy of structure and agency in influencing human behavior. Structure is defined as the designed arrangements that influence or limit available decisions and opportunities. Agency is defined as the ability of individuals to act on their own and make their own choices without influence (Duffy and Mandell, 2011: 357). The structure versus agency debate can be seen as a question of socialization versus self-governance in determining whether people work as free agents or whether they work in a manner managed by social structure. Kosut and Moore (2010) argue that the body “is the ultimate site of the division in sociology between structure and action” (Kosut and Moore, 2010: 2). They use numerous theories and the work of other sociologists to provide evidence to support their argument for the idea of the body and how it can be used in everyday society. The body can be thought of as the place of division between the two aspects because although people have the right to do what they want with their body, such as getting a tattoo or expressing themselves through fashion, individuals still tend to follow the social norm according to which not to be excluded or become an outcast. So does the body fall into structure or action? Arthur Frank described the body as a mode of communication, because the body itself is not voiceless, but it is wordless, and what the... middle of paper... ..n structure and action are the aging body . Society respected and revered the elderly, thinking that it was a natural and normal process, but in today's society, people wish to hide the aging process and everything that accompanies it, considering it a disease (Calasanti, 2005: 1). Individuals are supposed to show control over their bodies and that showing signs of improvement means being unfit, unhealthy and not following social structures (Calasanti, 2005: 2). Losing that control is deemed unacceptable and therefore becomes considered non-normal. Numerous companies have developed many different ways, for example anti-aging creams, to prevent the signs of aging, so you may be more socially acceptable when you get to old age, but this goes against agency, as people should be able to grow old in peace and not have to worry about what society thinks.