What would be the advantages and disadvantages for Bronwyn, whose story was presented in Unit 2, if she were assessed as having a psychiatric disorder? Psychiatric disorder requires a medical diagnosis, by a doctor or mental health professional. If a diagnosis is made which may include medications and a treatment plan, you will be offered a treatment plan. Bronwyn is an example of someone who is not classified as having a psychiatric disorder, but who questions her mental health as life has become unmanageable and overwhelming (The Open University, 2008). The K225 course model examines the service user's external influences and determines whether they have contributed to the mental distress experienced (The Open University, 2008b, pp.26-27). This essay will use the K225 model to discuss Bronwyn's situation, working as a map to reveal the path that led to her mental distress, explore both the advantages and disadvantages of being diagnosed with a certain psychiatric disorder, and how the decision she makes might have an impact on his life. “Being placed in the 'mental illness' category can have a significant impact on someone's life” (The Open University, 2008d, p.105). The K225 model places Bronwyn at the center and surrounds her with the social, environmental, economic and political dimensions of her life. Many of Bronwyn's problems can be seen in more than one dimension and therefore can influence or be influenced by other areas. The model shows that relating Bronwyn's experience of mental distress to these external areas of her life will reveal a broader holistic view of her world (The Open University, 2008a, p.20). These dimensions are held together by Bronwyn's ethics and values, which will also influence how psychosocial, biosocial and biopsychosocial models combine aspects of other models and a holistic approach. which considers the whole person to find the cause of mental distress. This essay examined Bronwyn's life using the K225 model and revealed that social, environmental, economic and political factors all contributed to her mental distress. Drawing on course materials and external research, the essay explored the advantages and disadvantages of seeking professional advice that could lead to a psychiatric diagnosis. It also examined different perspectives on mental health and how they can influence diagnosis and treatment options. With the information presented in this essay Bronwyn could consider the advantages and disadvantages of receiving a psychiatric diagnosis and the impact this would have on her life before making a decision..