They have a high degree of endurance, strength and balance. Sometimes they end up becoming professional athletes, firefighters or even surgeons. Anything that requires a high degree of fitness and body control. Linguistic intelligence is the most commonly shared form of intelligence. This is the ability to express oneself through language. These people can speak fluently, read and write. People who excel at this become journalists, public speakers and news anchors. Then there is intrapersonal intelligence. Typical skills associated with this are the ability to identify one's needs on a deeper emotional level, identify personal motivations, and use them to dictate one's life. These people can do most jobs with few restrictions and with little difficulty. Spatial intelligence typically manifests itself in the ability to think in three dimensions. People with this gift are typically artistic, have active imaginations, and can create precise mental images of things. This translates well to architecture, artistry, and refined piloting