In Chicago around the 19th century, there was a desire for cheap labor. Consumer demand for clothing and manufactured goods has played a major role in this problem. The desire of manufacturers to meet growing consumer demand eventually led to the hiring of children and other people. To reduce expenses, working conditions did not play a major role in factory owners' decisions. These factories were not very safe and sanitation conditions were poor. Often many of these sweatshop workers were found working many hours a day for a long period of time for little, if any, pay. Florence Kelley was a factory inspector who fought against child labor and the existence of sweatshops. Through his experiences and descriptions, we now have better working conditions and children are allowed to be children. I'm going to explain some of the extensive information he has provided on these two major issues. Manufacturers would hire the people who owned these sweatshops to produce the goods (“The Sweating” 51). It was inevitable that competition would arise among these shopkeepers on such an occasion. Therefore everyone would do everything to save as much money as possible in the production process; this would consequently lower the price to an amount the manufacturer would be willing to pay (“The Sweating” 51). It can be concluded that these sweatshops came into being because of the great need that people had to make money at that time and the great urgency that these sweaters, the owners of the sweatshops, had to make deals with the manufacturers. Sweatshops did not discriminate as much in terms of the basis of gender or age (Wheeler, Bruce, Becker 119). Most of the employees were immigrants, which would explain why they were so desperate to... half of the paper......ence Kelley: A Factory Inspector Campaigns Against Sweatshop Labor." American Journal of Public Health 95.1 ( 2005): 50. Academic research completed. Web, November 21, 2011. Kelly, Florence Finch “Tales of Four Cities,” 1939. “The Sweating System.” : 49-52 Web. 21 November 2011. Waugh, Joan Anti-Sweatshop Campaign of 1892-1893." UCLA Historical Journal 3 (1982): 15. America: History and Life. Web. November 29, 2011. Wheeler, William Bruce, Susan D. Becker, and Lorri Glover. “Child Labor Reform and Redefining Childhood, 1880-1920.” Discovering America's past: A look at the evidence. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2012. 119-24. Press. From 1865.