The sudden socioeconomic transformation of the last century has substantially affected the tradition of marriage in modern society. Therefore, several alternatives to marriage have become available and have become more popular than marriage for today's couples due to its suitability for current conditions. Some of these alternative statuses to marriage are cohabitation, divorce or simply continuing to be single and this statement is supported by the results of a recent study. The percentage of married adults significantly decreased from 1960 to 2008 by 20% (Pew Research Center). These statistics are not going to improve any time soon as “the average age at which men and women first marry is now the highest on record” (Pew Research Center). These statistics may seem like society has lost a precious part of life and the importance of two partners becoming one. However, from another perspective, it is a positive change in society where one or both partners do not lose their individuality, are equal and are more accepting of other relationship choices. Women's rights have been revolutionized over the last century and have influenced their domestic role, which resulted in balanced power in marriage and partner relationships, a favorable attribute. The stay-at-home mother is no longer the typical situation in modern families as women can now be financially independent. What used to be a conventional motivation for getting married has declined because modern women are not limited in terms of earnings. Women have gained rights and therefore there is “more education among women… leading to better career prospects” (Harris). As a result, it can be concluded that these careers allow them that…halfway through…marriage will not fix a relationship and will most likely end quite quickly. Society is constantly developing to accept and support other lifestyle choices beyond the compulsory marriage between one man and one woman seen in the 20th century. There are several causes behind this and it may seem that the modern world is going down the wrong path, but in reality this is not the case. The decline of religion, the changing role of women and the terms that determine the transformation of a family are social improvements in disguise. Even if fewer and fewer people marry or marry late, the hidden cause of this trend is a positive change in humanity. In today's world, marriage is not a stage of life but an option among many other choices and this has allowed the general public to embrace the diversity and range of differences in marriage as well as the course of action that others choose to take..