What are the differences between supervision and consultation? The APA (2010) (sec. 2.01) and the ACA (sec. F.1) state that “administrators and counselors must provide leadership essential to protecting supervisees' education, patient well-being, and facilitating professional development of the consultee" (Welfel, 2013/2010, p. 416). According to Welfel (2013/2010), there are several ways in which mental health explains the term "orientation" and the factors are: "practice of equality of skills, process involving multiple roles and improper behaviors inability to supervise the well-being of others" ( p. 415). Implies a hierarchical relationship with one of the evaluation components. Ensure the role of promoting the professional socialization of supervisees; teaching the importance of ethical principles and standards as a significant part of this assignment remaining haughty and capturing those familiar “teachable moments” of the importance of ethical principles and standards and internalizing them (Welfel, 2013/2010) is used to mean that even the most experienced professionals are vulnerable to mistakes ethical. Factors causing poor management of countertransference, lack of information about evolving standards, and personal objectivity problems and Welfel effectiveness problems (p. 413). Consultation involves services offered by specially trained people in which they assist another person who has responsibility for a case or program, includes three parties: a consultant, a consultant and clients. Is their goal to ensure professional effectiveness, i.e. goal setting or did the intervention work? With the understanding that their relationship is temporary (duration may vary), he only deals with…half of the paper…today. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://ct.counseling.org/2014/01/counselors-and-conflecte parenting/Hoy, LISW, MSSA, J., & Feigenbaum, PhD., E. (2005). Ethics in community care: Making the case for ethics consultations in community mental health centers. Community Mental Health Journal, 41 (3) 4-11. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from file:///E:/ethics%20in%20commuity%20making%20the%20case%20for%20consults%20in%20community%20mental%20health%20centers.pdf.Johnson, E., Epp, L., Culp, C., Williams, M., & McAllister, D. (2013). What you don't know could harm your practice and your clients. Consulting today. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://ct.counseling.org/2013/07/what-you-dont-know-could-hurt-your-practice-and-your-clients/Welfel, E.R. (2013/ 2010 ). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.