Ridley Scott's film, Black Hawk Down, is a depiction of the Battle of Mogadishu, a raid integral to the United States' attempt to capture the Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidi. the film introduces us to an elite group of Army Rangers, Delta Force soldiers and helicopter pilots. As the film progresses, the plan to capture Aidi turns into one of desperation and survival. The grueling and arduous battle shows us the special camaraderie of the soldiers who experience the crucible of combat together as well as the heroism instilled in them. The battle takes place in Somalia, Africa, where, due to genocide, hundreds of thousands of civilians have died. hunger. The United States takes action and tries to restore order after American soldiers and UN members were targeted by Somali militias. The film opens with evidence of the destruction that the Somali militia brought to its people showing us famine, food deprivation, hunger and lifeless Somali civilians. The soldiers are called into battle and immediately bombarded by militia fire and the soldiers quickly realize that it will be a long and agonizing battle. As riots erupt and American soldiers begin to fall, men begin to fight in the name of brotherhood: they fight to stand alongside their fellow soldiers in arms. This camaraderie in the film is symbolized by the soldiers' efforts to ensure that all men are accounted for, whether they are alive, seriously wounded, or even deceased. The soldiers' motto becomes "leave no one behind". The first man to be injured is Private Todd Blackburn. As they begin their descent down a rope from the helicopter, known as the "hawk" in the film, they are attacked by an RPG, a missile, forcing the hawk to this... center of the card.... The last words of the ergent Evermann were: “No one asks to be a hero; it's just that sometimes it ends up that way. The meaning of these words is: Soldiers enter battle with no comprehensible sense of why or what they are fighting for, but it is made clear that they are heroes. Black Hawk Down is in fact a depiction of the events that occurred in Somalia in October 1993, when American soldiers enter Somalia to capture two top lieutenants of a renegade warlord and find themselves in a desperate battle with a large force of heavily armed Somalis. armed. However, the central idea of the film is clearly the ideas of extreme heroism and camaraderie. While it wasn't possible to save all the men in the film, the love and commitment they have for each other makes up for it, and behind all the gunshots, bloodshed, and dead bodies we see the two reunite in this movie..