Topic > Legalize it now - 1277

Approximately 443,000 people die each year from tobacco products and 24,518 people die each year from alcohol-related deaths (American Lung Association, 2014). While all of these deaths have occurred, both alcohol and tobacco remain legal in the United States. How many Americans die each year due to marijuana use? The answer is zero. Marijuana has been illegal for decades and it's time for a change. Marijuana users were once considered drug addicts, while drug addicts are now considered patients. Times are changing and this plant which was once considered a harmful drug; it is now seen as medicine. Marijuana should be legalized in the United States because, it is used in many states for medical treatment, it is safer than alcohol and tobacco and finally, if it were legalized, it would save the country money and also bring in billions of dollars. Medical marijuana, also known as cannabis, is used around the world to treat various medical ailments. Medical marijuana is most commonly used for pain management. “It is used for headaches, illnesses such as cancer, or even more long-term illnesses such as glaucoma or nerve pain” (Harding, 2014). How is cannabis treatment carried out? It can be done in several ways, the most common way is smoking it. But the safest way to use the medicine is to eat it. There are also cannabis pills to take or lotions to use. What kind of diseases does cannabis treatment help? The most common ailment that medical marijuana helps is cancer such as lung and breast cancer. It is also used to help those who are going through chemotherapy. This plant can work wonders for people suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy.” Patients are under... half of paper... inside them, which would give more space to big criminals like rapists and murderers. It's crazy how much legalizing this herb would help the United States - a person would have to be crazy not to want to legalize it! In conclusion, marijuana should be made legal because it could save this country money, many people use it as a medical treatment and it has been proven and considered one of the safest drugs. Legalizing cannabis would be one of the best things to happen to this country in recent years. The country would be a better place to live if it were legalized. Marijuana is already used in many treatments. Who knows what else this little plant can cure? So let's give scientists the ability to run more tests and do more studies. Let's follow what some states have already done and make marijuana use legal in all 50 states!