After the Internet became available to the new generation, a great concern arose regarding its substantial and beneficial use. As soon as the Internet became popular among people, it also became controversial. Many issues have been fought over the use of the Internet, in particular the extent of what things are appropriate and inappropriate, what things can be accessed and what things cannot be accessed. As the questions piled on top of each other and the issues became more and more pervasive, the government, alarmed by the threat of the Internet and its technicalities, crafted a protocol that was decidedly good but also particularly bad. This protocol has been the controversial term Internet Censorship. The question that has been wrestled with as this new implementation begins, especially for those countries that rely heavily on Internet access and consumer goods, is this: Is Internet censorship really a good idea? Did it really provide change and security to people as they exposed themselves to the imminent threats of Internet browsing and other activities? How about freedom of expression thwarted? Did the benefits outweigh the risks in this particular situation? Was the government right when it implemented this internet censorship? Too many questions one might think, but apparently, these are the truths about Internet censorship and the fact that it is the most controversial measure that the government has decided to counter and protect people from the harms of the Internet as a new form of communication medium (Zuchora-Walske, 2010, p. 2). Internet censorship has taken many forms as the new generation progresses, more technological and savvy than ever. From simple search filtering s...... middle of paper ......tion to progress and modernization. At the same time, many others have abused and exploit the benefits of this new innovation in an unpleasant way. We can't stop this from happening, but we can do something about it. This is why the government has decided to implement and regulate Internet censorship policies. Instead of being angry and indifferent to this new policy, we should be more open-minded and welcome the goodness and security that this particular policy offers us. The truth is that Internet censorship is much more than we understand. It goes far beyond the boundaries of freedom and rights. It is a protector and safeguard that upholds the dignity and integrity of the state. It is up to people to think and decide whether Internet censorship is for our good or not. It's by our will, just like the government said about it.